Table of  Illustrations--  Special Events


Carl Barks 100th Anniversary  Special Feature
    The Ducks gaze at the heavens in a couple of  stories; this image is from the opening splash panel of  "Mythtic Mystery" (U$ 34, June 1961). They are looking at the stars, which have grouped together to form a portrait of  the Duck Man; this is a self-portrait Carl Barks did. The star version of  this picture and the introductory text are by yours friendly.

Ub Iwerks 100th Anniversary Special
    The first item is a piece of  background art for "Plane Crazy" (1928); next is an animation sketch from the same cartoon. Two years later was printed the very first Mickey Mouse comic strip (a daily), scripted by Walt Disney and drawn by Ub Iwerks. Featured here are scans of  the very first strip (January 1, 1930) and of  a panel from the same continuity (January 6). Though this strip is based on "Plane Crazy", it is the ground-breaking "Steamboat Willie" which made Mickey and Disney international stars, and the fifth item is a cell from this pioneer cartoon. The images from "Steamboat Willie" and "Plane Crazy" were scanned from Mickey (Pierre Lambert, Démons et Merveilles, 1998; pp 27 & 34). Ub Iwerks eventually set up an animation studio of  his own, but it only lasted a couple of  years and he went back to the Disney Studio. The snapshots from "Fiddlesticks" are captured from The Ub Iwerks Collection (Volume 1) DVD produced by Image Entertainment in 1999 (Cartoons That Time Forgot collection).

Don Rosa 50th Anniversary Special- "A(nother) Little Something Special"
    You will have recognized the title of  Don Rosa's own Uncle Scrooge 5Oth Anniversary Special Adventure (The Adventurous Uncle Scrooge McDuck # 2, March 1997 / D 96325), slightly edited for the special 6-panel story I whipped up using art from a couple of  Don Rosa's stories.
But as you see, the opening panel is not from this adventure: it is that from "The Incredible Shrinking Tightwad" (WDC&S 612, May 1997 / D 94202). And you very knowledgeable & observant duck fans have already noticed this isn't even exactly the very panel: to fit this joyful event, I replaced Donald's casual, disillusioned face with the happy, care-free and ice-cream soda-drinking Donald from the opening splash panel of  "Return to Plain Awful" (DDA 12, May 1989).
The final change, in this panel and throughout the story, is naturally the dialogue. Unfortunately, due to a lack of  time, all the more shortened by computers troubles, I had to abandon the nicer copy-and-paste job I had started doing with words & letters from the original comics to write my own, and wrote it instead using the Text feature of  Paint Shop Pro.
The next panel is the third from "Shrinking", with the soda-carrying hand from panel 4 p 3 of  "Plain Awful" for the continuity-- I know, he no longer has it in the following panels: but that's because he is busy lifting and opening the crate; he must have left it somewhere. Again, for lack of  time, the balloon I had to cut in two had to be cut crudely.
The third panel is a combination of  panel 2 p2 of  "Attack of  the Hideous Space Varmints!" (WDC&S 614, June 1997 / D 96203) and panel 1 p 3 of  "The Universal Solvent" (WDC&S 604, August 1996 / D 94066), from which I copied Gyro to paste him next to Uncle Scrooge, whose right hand I completed. Where is Helper? I did not forget him: but we can't see him because he's keeping the saucer-bike...
Panel 4 is a panel 3 p 2 of  "Space Varmints", with Donald's eyes "de-casualized", the crate slightly completed (used pixels from the crate itself), and the melancholy Uncle Scrooge replaced with the proud Uncle Scrooge depicted in panel 2 p 3 of  "Plain Awful".
The fifth panel is from yet another story: it is panel 1 p 5 of  "His Majesty, McDuck" (U$A 14, August 1989 / AR 145). The balloon's tail had to be erased so that it would come not from the Coot Foundation but from the Money Bin; this implied completing the buildings, sky and clouds using elements from the panel; the new balloon tail is from-- er-- I can't find... I'll check this.
The final panel is that of  the story which inspired me, "A Little Something Special". The "Finis!" text on the advertising board was replaced with the "To be continued" text at the end of  Part 6 of  "The Life and Times of  Scrooge McDuck", with the exclamation mark from the original banner of  "Something Special"; the new text is in my own handwriting-- I couldn't make anything nice with the letters from the original banner, and I thought it would add a personal touch, all the art being by Don Rosa. The beaming Scrooge is from the last page of  "Guardians of  the Lost Library" (panel 5; U$A 27, July1994 / D 9238)-- and it is the mirror image of  this panel!